Emotional Intelligence: "The Edge"

Dr. Hank Clemon Profile Picture
Sat, Aug 7, 2021, 1:00pm - 2:45pm

Online via Zoom

Emotional Intelligence: Your Competitive Advantage for Personal and Career Success ("The Edge")


We wonder how others become successful. What's the secret? We often say "He/she had an 'edge' ". We can't quite put our fingers on it but we know it when we see it. Do you have that "something" that "edge"? Success in the workplace means striking a balance between achieving superb results and working well with others. Organizations promote teamwork; however, they still reward personal achievement. In order to be recognized, promoted and receive bonuses, you must maintain a competitive advantage. Do you have that "edge"? What is it, and how do you get it. If you have it, how do you keep it or keep it sharp?


This presentation is about how developing your emotional intelligence could be your competitive advantage, your "edge". It also offers tips, suggestions and strategies.


  • Overview of Emotional Intelligence
  • Understanding a Competitive Advantage
  • How to get an “Edge” personal/organizational
  • Benefits of a Competitive Advantage
  • How to make EI a Competitive

Speaker: Dr. Hank Clemons
Dr. Hank is an EI expert, Coach, Speaker and Founder of the Society of Emotional Intelligence, author of “EQ is for Everyone”; Training Partner of MHS where he conducts certifications in the EQ-i 2.0. He maintains a private practice as The HLC Group, LLC; specializing in Emotional Health and well-being.