Redefining Higher Education for you.

At San Francisco Bay University, we exist to propel our students. To help them not only succeed, but to develop the leadership qualities we all need to make a difference in this world. We are actively working to tear down the roadblocks that we know exist in higher education. The barriers of access and affordability that can stop students from seeing that college is even an option for them. The barriers that deter institutions from truly changing lives for the better.


At SFBU, the yardstick for our success is that students graduate and leave SFBU ready for a career, with life and financial literacy, having received the mental, physical, and spiritual support they needed along the way.


President in front of classroom

Mission & Vision

The SFBU Mission: San Francisco Bay University provides diverse learners with inclusive, innovative and inspirational education for lifelong personal and professional success.

The SFBU Vision: San Francisco Bay University will set the standard as a national and international model of engaged and transformative higher education in service of the common good.

Bayhawk Core Values

These principles aren’t lofty goals etched into a decorative plaque; they breathe meaning into every fiber of our collective being. They inform the way our classrooms look, the way our teachers listen, the way our students learn — and the way we live together.

Dr. Peter Maribei is talking with a student in the Student Success Hub

Care for the Whole Student

First and foremost, our students are human beings. We accept them as they are now and commit to cultivating their growth tomorrow. Between academic, financial, emotional and professional support, our ecosystem provides the reassurance they need to try, fail and succeed on their own timeline.

Faculty collaborating

Deliver Teaching Excellence

As higher education, in general, fails to accommodate new generations of learners, SFBU challenges itself to be better. The Center for Empowerment and Pedagogical Innovation (CEPI) trains our faculty in leading-edge teaching practices that are scientifically proven to improve learning outcomes. Inherent in this promise is the responsibility to drive continual improvement that reflects the latest teaching breakthroughs — because excellence is dynamic. And because the industry demands it, we have incorporated generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) into both our teaching and our students' learning.

Students at graduation

Provide Access and Inclusion

If higher education exists to open doors, why should only a select few wield the key? From removing the A-G admission requirements for California residents to opening our doors to international and transfer applicants, SFBU offers deserving students a tangible path forward. We believe our resources are most impactful when shared, not guarded.

Lecturer in classroom

Offer Affordable Higher Education Opportunities

In 2023, Gallup and the Lumina Foundation reported that 55% of U.S. adults cite financial burden as the main reason not to pursue a degree. We aim to remove that barrier. In addition to affordable tuition and housing rates, SFBU grants students a wide range of scholarships without asking for supplemental materials. We award them based on GPA bands, beginning with 25% and going all the way up to 100% tuition coverage. 

Silicon Valley

Reflect the Vibrancy of the Silicon Valley

To SFBU, the entrepreneurial and technological intersection we know colloquially as Silicon Valley is more than a professional hotbed — it’s the gold standard for blending creative problem solving with sound business leadership. For this reason, it’s also our north star for developing the in-demand competencies at the heart of our curricula and learning structures.