Student Spotlight: Afrin Patni

Afrin Patni student spotlight graphic


Afrin Patni

Master of Business Administration program


Afrin Patni is following her American dream.

Originally from Mumbai, India, Patni is studying at San Francisco Bay University to pursue a career in technology. While she knows her bachelor’s degrees in sociology and education aren’t traditional for the field, she is working on her master's in business administration at SFBU to help her jump into the industry.

“It was my dream to come here and study in America,” Patni said.

The university’s location is one of the main reasons Patni enrolled. Its proximity to San Francisco, Silicon Valley and companies such as Google, Zoom and Tesla was enticing to her. She also loves the mountain views, weather and hiking that she didn’t experience in India.

Patni credits her stellar education to SFBU’s small class sizes and personal relationships with teachers. She receives not only advice on her studies and career path, but for her personal life, as well.

“SFBU is not just about textbooks and lectures, it is preparing us for our future,” Patni said. “It's working on our soft skills. I know that when I graduate from SFBU, I'll get good opportunities where I can apply my skills and excel in my career to achieve great things.”

The university understands the importance of a proper work-life balance. There are clubs like Toastmasters International to improve one’s public speaking and leadership prowess, but there are also video game consoles ready to provide relief from stress. Outside of class, Patni can be found playing ping pong and board games.

Above all, Patni is proud to be a part of the SFBU community.

“This place feels like home, and I know that I have a bright future.”